Iowa Chapter of NAPNAP

Iowa NAPNAP President-elect announcement

Posted 9 months ago by Tracy Sheets

Hello Members,

The executive board members are happy to announce that Samantha B. Lee, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-AC, has been named President-elect for the Iowa NAPNAP chapter.  Samm will officially begin her duties on Septemeber 1, 2023. President, Jodi Bloxham, also named Madison Loftsgard as the student representative for the chapter. Madison is currently enrolled in the pediatric primary care NP program at the University of Iowa. Please don’t hesitate to come forward with any questions you may have, in general, or regarding the election process. We still have openings on the nominations committee. If anyone is interested, please reach out. Looking forward to seeing members at the Iowa NAPNAP Social next month. And bring a friend!

Iowa NAPNAP Executive Board


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